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This special audio CD is based on modern psychological principles and is designed to reduce stress and anxiety, whether it is your primary problem, or secondary to other physical or psychological conditions. This CD will help you or your family to achieve and maintain a calm and peaceful state of mind. As a result, you will develop a greater sense of wellbeing and become more productive. Using this CD before studying will also improve your long-term memory, and lift your concentration and learning ability.
It contains 5 tracks that run a total of about 60 minutes. Whilst it is specially designed for adults and older adolescents, children can also benefit from the relaxation exercises on tracks 2 and 4. Many parents have used it as a family relaxation time, and obtained the added benefit of greater family cohesion and unity.
Track 5 contains a unique Action Relaxation exercise. This is especially useful for those who find it difficult to sit through normal relaxation exercises. Using this track, you can reap the same benefits of relaxation while doing any physical activity such as jogging, walking or running, or simply attending to household chores.
Please remember that this program is not a substitute for clinical or face-to-face treatment by a health professional. When in doubt, consult your doctor.