This toolkit is especially designed for the young from the ages of 5 to 18. It consists of a children’s workbook, a parent’s guide and an audio CD.
The workbook is uncomplicated and practical. Each chapter contains technique that the child will learn if he/she is to be treated by a professional. It is fully illustrated with a central adolescent cartoon character.
Each chapter of the parent’s guide corresponds to that of the child workbook, so that the parents have the choice of working through the toolkit with their child. Most of the older children, especially adolescents, are able to work through the toolkit by themselves. However, the advantage of working through the toolkit as a family project is greater unity and understanding.
The audio CD contains five tracks to teach the child techniques in relaxation therapy, guided imagery, neurolinguistic programming, desensitisation to anxious situations and positive affirmation. The workbook sets out when and how the CD is to be used.
This toolkit is useful for the following conditions:
- Generalised anxiety disorder — where the young person is worried about most situations or things in his life.
- Specific phobia— fear of a something specific such as spiders, heights, dogs or hairy objects.
- Social phobia — where the person is anxious about social situations.
- Panic disorder — where the person experiences repeated anxiety attacks. Consequently, the person may develop agoraphobia (fear of open or public places).
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder — where the person develops specific obsessive and ritualistic behaviour, such as repetitive counting, cleaning or checking.
- Separation anxiety disorder — where a young person experiences anxious feelings whenever he/she is separated from a security figure such as the mother or father.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder—where the person has experienced a stress of such severity that the person continues to suffer anxiety even after the cessation of the stress.
Please remember that this program is not a substitute for face to face treatment by a health professional when recommended by yourself or your doctor. It is not a replacement for clinical treatment.