All products are created by Dr Kam Wong, a prominent child, adolescent, adult and family psychiatrist. These products are also useful in enhancing your potential in life, increasing your sense of general well being and maximising your feelings of contentment.
Whether you are concerned about yourself or your child, you will find something here that will prove helpful. Healthy Mind Concepts products have helped many individuals, including children, adolescents and adults.
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[/bt_text][bt_hr top_spaced=”topSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”not-spaced” transparent_border=”noBorder” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_hr][bt_working_hours wh_content=”ANXIETY TOOLKIT FOR THE YOUNG;;OPEN, YOUR CHILD SELF-ESTEEM;;OPEN,
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Mrs. S. R. bought the toolkit for her 8 years old daughter and rated it 5 out of 5: She writes, “Both my daughter and I enjoyed working through the book. The exercises helped encourage discussion and a better understanding of one another, and especially in my daughter’s case it helps her identify the underlying feelings behind her anxiety.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]From D. J., a 14 years old adolescent male, who marked the toolkit 4.5 out of 5, wrote: “I find the anxiety booklet chapters to be many of the problems that I face in life. I find it comforting to know that all the anxious problems have got to do with my problems. It is nice to know that I’m not the only one in the world with these problems.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]From Mr. C. J. about the audio CD: “I find it very refreshing and relaxing. It helps me in a comforting way. I find it very relaxing.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSemiSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSemiSpaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”” back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]From another adolescent who commented about the effectiveness of the program: “I have found the anxiety program extremely helpful to my problems; it calms me, makes me more relaxed and build up my immunity.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]Dr. B. W. used the toolkit with his 8 years old son and rated it 4 out of 5.: In response to the question if the son has learnt anything new about stress or anxiety, he wrote: “Yes. Methods of taking actions to deal with anxious situations.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]Mrs. K. D. helped her 12 years old daughter to use the toolkit and rated it 4.5/5: “Very helpful, straight forward and not at all condescending. I think my daughter feels a little more empowered to handle it herself and also these treatments do help her cope”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSemiSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSemiSpaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”” back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]“Very good—empowering for the sufferers and useful aid for the parents to refer to in attempting to assist the child through difficult time, also making us more proactive in helping our daughter handle her anxiety.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]Another parent wrote about the overall effectiveness of the program and wrote: “Very effective. Helps me to develop a more open relationship with my daughter and has brought us together.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”center” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]From a 9 years old girl who suffered from compulsive hair pulling: “It helps me stop pulling my hair.”
[/bt_text][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSemiSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSemiSpaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”” back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/4″][/bt_column][bt_column width=”2/4″ align=”left” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” opacity=”” inner_background_color=”” background_image=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_text]An excerpt from a special review by an education union:
When a student or even your child is stressed or anxious do you become anxious or stressed or feel inadequate as to how to assist them to take practical steps in addressing their fears?
Dr. Kam Wong, a prominent Sydney Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist has heard and met this need that surfaces on occasion. He has developed two programs: Anxiety Toolkit for the Young and Stress Toolkit for the Young.
Each program consists of a student/child handbook, a CD and a parent’s guide. Each handbook and guide is uncomplicated and immensely practical as, step by step, the programs enable the parent to manage their child’s anxiety or stress as they explore their likes and dislikes in working out what makes them tick and in so doing, find the solution that works for them. The program set out when and how the CDs are to be used.
The usefulness of the programs relies heavily on the importance of working through each step at the child’s pace so that there is understanding and mastery of each technique before progression.
It also becomes very clear that our role is to be readily available for help, explanation or talking things through as is necessary. To support and assist our children/students develop an essential life skill, I recommend the kits to you no matter the age. In part their age is irrelevant.
(Newsmonth – Vol23#1,2003)
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